We have launched a brand-new Winter Raffle in order to raise vital funds for the Garden. The past 12 months have been challenging for so many of us in different ways, and for us it has meant less income to take care of our historic Garden and make sure that it is preserved for future generations.
We think that our raffle is a great way that everyone can join in and support us – and of course there is a chance to win a cash prize! You can buy tickets yourself or sell them to friends and family. Tickets cost £1 each, books of 5 tickets cost £5, and there are three cash prizes to be won:
1st prize – £500
2nd prize – £250
3rd prize – £100
If you would like to take part, or have already but would like more tickets, please call us on 01452 813204 or email Marisa and we will post them out to you. Alternatively, tickets will be available to buy at the Welcome Desk as and when you are able to visit.
Every £1 ticket you buy helps us to look after the Garden and gives you the chance to win a cash prize.
To be eligible to enter the draw all tickets and payment must be returned to us by 1 March 2021. Please allow time for postage or bring them in to us in person.
Photo credit: Drew Clough (drew_stagram)